Monday, November 16, 2009

BISD needs public relations makeover

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.

The Examiner writes a story about a conflict of interest at BISD. Then, the spokeswoman of the ENTIRE DISTRICT sends out an email to ALL BISD employees and the media (see below). The Bayou rips it apart as well.

Email from the spokeswoman, we did not alter the spelling or grammar on this. I have a lot of opinions about the allegations made by her, but I'd like to hear what you all have to say:

From: Jessie Haynes
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 9:47 AM
To: ALL-Staff
Subject: Examiner's article today insinuating inappropriate relationships
On today, the Examiner Newspaper featured me on its front page. (Please don't spend a dime on the crap, just log on to their site if you must read it.) In any case, I believe it is my duty to share with you the facts. Here is an email that I did not send the reporter because I was in and out of grogginess while home trying to recuperate from an illness. However, I will share it with you and the media at large for you to have in the face of what I consider to be yellow journalism.
Nov. 11, 2009
On yesterday, you awakened me at my home where I am recuperating from an illness. Silly me, I thought, mmm, isn't that nice, Jerry came by to check on me and to wish me a speedy recovery. Then you accused me of a range of unethical acts. Shocked, I did learn one thing of which I was not aware-that my name is listed on the board of directors for the nonprofit Southeast Texas Electrical School formed by Calvin Walker to help the disenfranchised gain entrée and opportunities in the electric trades. (Obviously, the school is something quite needed in SE Texas when looking at the fact that women or minorities make up less than one percent of electricians in SE Texas.)

First, while I was not aware that I am listed as a board member of this non-profit school being established in the Southend of Beaumont, I have no problem being affiliated with a non-profit designed to help bring about equal opportunities for women and minorities. (Mind you, that does not mean those opportunities are at the detriment of men or non-minoirites.) Some time ago, Mr. Walker asked me to consider being on the board of the school and I said I would think about it. Upon thinking about it, I decided that some people could take my appearance on the board of this non-profit school as opportunity to misconstrue his business relationship with BISD.

Mr. Walker understood and directed the person preparing the school's application to remove my name. Unfortunately, the person preparing the application suffered a catastrophic illness and when she returned months later to complete the application, I can only assume that as an oversight, she erred in what she submitted. Mr. Walker assures me that will be corrected immediately. In any case, I have not been an active member of the non-profit school's board, but know that I have no problem (with the exception of you attempting to misconstrue facts) in the purpose of the school that has been set up to help the disenfranchised gain entrée into careers where they have been denied opportunities. (Really, based on your assumptions, because I am a public employee, I now have to withdraw my membership from my church, from professional and civic organizations, from all volunteer non-profit boards just in case any of their affiliates submit responses to competitive public bids at BISD, despite me not having anything to do with the bid process. Get real.)

On the question of the appropriateness of me being a member of the superintendent's executive cabinet and the insinuation that I have influenced business opportunities with the school district for Mr. Walker is so far off the reality chart that I can only revert back to your continued efforts to attack Dr. Thomas and anyone near him. I visualize you jumping up out of the bushes and nearly scaring his elderly mother to death as your camera flashed lights repeatedly blinding her during a private gathering held at his home. Your visit to my home reminded me of that and while I am still home sick, I am less medicated and more able today to answer your wild accusations.

1. I make no decisions in relationship to contracts, especially electrical and other operations outside of communications/public information/public relations.

2. You insulted me and the district by insinuating that information is being leaked to Mr. Walker. When I reminded you that the bid process in BISD is a closed bid process and that I have every faith that CFO Jane Kingsley and COO Terry Ingram would not allow any such thing happen, neither by omission or comission.

3. You insulted Dr. Thomas by saying I have influenced him to unfairly provide contract opportunities to minority businesses, particularly to Walker's Electric. While I am flattered that you think I have such powers, you and I both know that Dr. Thomas is not such a person. One of the reasons that I accepted the opportunity to work with him is because I see him as a fair man who strives for doing right by ALL people. Frankly, I knew that working for him would be putting myself in harm's way since
you and your organization have continuously targeted African American leaders who are in positions of power and influence. The fact that Dr. Thomas is at the helm of an operation that includes multi-billion dollars worth of assets, more than 3,000 employees and millions of dollars in annual operations has made him the target of people who usually control Jefferson County and who have found he is not their "boy."
Me working for him makes me your target, too, as was Dr. Mackey and many others over the years of your paper's existence.
These are my opinions developed from seeing 70 percent of your covers being an attack on people of color.

Wouldn't you think that as large as your market reach claims to be and the fact that less than 10 percent of the business operations in SE Texas are not minority led, your cover stories would more fairly project what is really going on in this community? One would hope, however, this community has watched you overlook friends of your paper who are in high places who molest children, steal and kill get swept under the rug while you try to make demons out of people like Carrol Thomas and anyone you consider close to him. You totally ignore the fact that BISD is achieving at levels higher than comparable school districts in this state, that BISD is a recognized school district, that employee moral is high, that the district consistently receives superior ratings for its financial acumen, that we have schools that are outstanding on both the state and national level.

4. You went on to claim some crap about Calvin Walker. I suggest you talk with him about whatever your concerns are about him. I personally believe he is above board and has given the district some of the best prices we have had in years. However, I am sure you are not interested in that fact which you can clearly get by asking for a 10-year history of the rates of contractors of record for electrical services in BISD.

5. You asked about my writing an article that ran in CUSH Magazine about Calvin Walker. The article to which you referred is a news release noting his donation to Ozen High. You, CUSH and all other media received the release. You chose not to run it. That is your business. CUSH chose to run it and that is the business of CUSH. If you want to know something about CUSH's daily operations, you are free to contact Tracie Payne at 212-1111. I am sure she will make herself available to answer any questions you may have.

6. Why am I on your list? Many thoughts cross my mind. Could it be your expressed interest in getting the job I now hold in BISD or getting the post I use to hold in BISD? Could it be the write-in campaign placing me in competition for the position against your boss for the presidency of the Press Club? Could it be you thought that since I may be aware of your reports of your involvement in an unethical situation with a judge handling a relevant case, you would slam me before the facts are made public? Could it be your thought that since you can't get Carrol Thomas, you'd get one of the persons on which he depends? Or, could it be your true colors coming out,
despite a hood and sheet not being your cover, your defacto efforts appear to me to be to tar, feather and hang any person you can who is trying to bring about equal opportunity in this community
? Go figure???

Jessie Haynes, APR

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Enterprise says Thomas needs a reality check

In their editorial today, the Enterprise chastised Thomas for blaming the media for spreading misinformation and being sensational. They go on to say that the recent uproar from voters shouldn't be ignored and isn't made up.

Wake up Thomas!!!

First of all, you need to stop hearing only what you want to hear. There are angry voters who have a voice that you need to listen to.

Secondly, it's not the media's fault that you have a major problem with this bond issue and it centers around communication. If Thomas is telling people to go to BISD to get information and NOT the media then he is delusional. BISD is not making the CORRECT and most UPDATED information available to the public.

I personally put in a Freedom of Information Act request for information well over a month ago. By law, they are required to give me the information in 10 days or file with the Attorney General. Have I heard a word since? No.

Why should we go to BISD for information? Why should we trust them? Because Thomas says so?

Sorry. The time to trust has come and is long gone. You can pretend to have open communication, but you haven't shown it. I trust the media because at least they are objective. BISD has an agenda and is trying to give us THEIR propaganda -- which may be either a stretch of the truth or not at all.

I say THANK YOU TO THE MEDIA. It's your jobs to keep people honest and hold them accountable and I strongly believe they are doing that -- regardless of what Thomas wants to believe.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coverage of meeting

To read the Enterprise's live coverage of the meeting to change the BISD board, click here.

KBMT-12's coverage includes video on their website.

KBTV web story only interviews the school district's attorney who said the district is bound by federal court order to keep board make-up as is.

I couldn't find a story online at KFDM-6. Please post the link in the comments if you see it.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BISD meeting scheduled to change board makeup

For those of you wanting more information about the petition to change the makeup of the BISD board, there will be a meeting you can attend to learn more.

Date: October 21
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Place: Jefferson County Courthouse Jury Impaneling Room.
Here is a story that ran on KBMT-12.

It's important that you comeout and learn more. For this petition to reach the 12,000 signatures it needs (and they have to be registered voters), it takes more than one person to participate. If we all go and get one sheet filled with signatures, we can reach that number very quickly. Ask people at church. Ask your neighbors. Ask your sports teams.

We can do this and make a change!

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Enterprise editorial addresses cost overruns on BISD bond

This editorial criticizes BISD about the athletic complex going 48 percent over budget.

An excerpt: "There is no way the district can handle overruns like that on every other job. The same factors that have affected the athletic complex will affect every other project on the bond issue.

Taxpayers are expecting everything to be built in this bond issue, including projects in the final phases. BISD officials need to make sure that cost overruns at the start of the work don't wreck that goal."

In my opinion, if the complex is nearly 50 percent overbudget because of what administrators are calling inflation, then what will happen with all the other projects? If inflation is THAT BAD they will all go 50 percent over budget, what will be left when it comes time to build Sallie Curtis?

And if you know inflation will surge the complex that much money, why spend $1 million on a scoreboard? Why not make some cuts on the complex?

The answer: It's easier to make the cuts at the schools. Let's make Curtis wait. And in the end, when we run out of money we'll ask taxpayers for more or just don't build it. This isn't an all-giving money tree. The cash will run out and where will that leave us?

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Monday, October 19, 2009

A walk down memory lane

As long as Dr. Thomas is saying that the voters just don't understand how construction works, let's take a look at the articles that ran two years ago regarding the bond and what promises were made then. He is now saying that it has ALWAYS been a price tag of $43 million, not $29 million as the media is saying he originally told taxpayers.

Here is a document that was archived on the Beaumont Enterprise website that came from BISD. Guess what it has budgeted for the athletic facility? $29.8 million.


This is one of my favorite articles I found. It's by Beth Gallaspy (an excellent long-time reporter veteran) on November 9, 2007. In it, Dr. Thomas says the complex shouldn't be more than $30 million otherwise they would have to "review what they are doing." He went on to say that there will be enough funding IFthey meet the time.


An excerpt says:
Board member Martha Hicks said people want to know why the complex is in Phase One and asked Thomas to explain.

"The sooner we can get projects built, we beat inflation costs," Thomas said. "... You can't build more than four elementary schools at a time because there's only so many places to put students."

Board member Woodrow Reece asked for an answer to rumors that the district will not build everything that is promised.

"I think we have adequate funding if we meet the time," Thomas said. Taking more time would mean more money for inflation, he said.

After the meeting, Thomas responded to a question about what would happen if bids on the athletic complex came in well above the $30 million budgeted. "I hope it should not happen," Thomas said. "I feel like we're going to be reasonable in the ballpark."

If they were significantly higher, "I think we're going to have to go back and review what we're doing, but I don't think that's going to happen. That's the whole idea behind this study," Thomas said.


When the bond passed, this article ran in the Enterprise on November 27, 2007 by Ryan Myers (who is no longer at the paper, but was a thorough reporter). Among the highlights:

- "We hope any changes to the construction phases will be minimal, but they may come to us and say something just isn't feasible," Thomas said.

- The first phase also includes purchasing land for a districtwide multi-purpose center, a $29.9 million project that will include a stadium and swimming complex.


In this article which ran November 25, 2008, it presents a project-by-project analysis of the $388.6 million BISD bond proposal. Some of the items include:

Curtis Elementary
Year Built: 1956
Proposed: New school for 550 students
Cost: $14,701,937
Supporters: Aging school; too expensive to renovate
Opponents: No organized opposition

Multi-purpose facility
Year Built: 2008
Proposed: New athletic complex, including stadium and natatorium
Cost: $29,857,983
Supporters: Economically feasible to build anew rather than renovate existing stadiums; could host regional games and competitions
Opponents: Not enough money for the project and if done first, will prevent completing other projects


Yet another article is here that ran November 23, 2007 that talks about pros and cons of the athletic facility. An excerpt:

"The current bond proposes the building of a new stadium, field house and natatorium for $29.8 million. Those in favor of the bond said a new stadium makes more economic sense than spending money to bring the existing facilities up to current standards and continuing to rent the stadium at Lamar University. They also said a new facility would attract outside playoff games, band competitions and other events, bringing revenue to the district. Those opposed to the bond believe there is no way a complex like the one being proposed will cost $29.8 million based on other projects they have seen around the state. Another issue with the stadium is that it is the first scheduled project and the opposition believes the athletic complex will go over budget and take away from the project - particularly money for the elementary schools. Those for the bond said the athletic complex is scheduled first to save money on inflation."

I found this gem in a link from BISD in 2007 that was on the previous article. It says: "Accountability milestones will be established in the schedule & monitoring of the building cost progress will be communicated regularly to the public."


This September 21, 2007 article outlines how much is budgeted for the various projects. And it says that it'll be $29.9 million for the complex.


As you look at ALL OF THESE ARTICLES, ask yourself: Is the media really lying? There are more articles out there and I can certainly post them all.

If I were Dr. Thomas, I would have been angry at the media two years ago for not telling the public that the figure for the complex was actually $43 million. Oh, wait - maybe that would have hurt the chance for the bond to pass. Let's just let the public believe it's $29 million and we'll blame it on the public later for not understanding the construction process.

Shouldn't the leader of our school district be setting a better example? I would have more respect for someone who admits they are wrong than trying to place the blame on others for missteps and mistakes. It's easy to point the finger at the media, but I think we've shown, it's not the media who has screwed up here.

If the media was WRONG, why didn't the district accuse the media of spreading lies two years ago like they are now? Maybe, just maybe, it's because the media is right. Gosh, it must hurt to know that the reporters are going back and looking at that and holding BISD accountable. Bravo to them!! Keep it up.

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Examiner exposes that athletic complex 50 percent over budget

The article says that Dr. Thomas said the price was always $44 million and that people just don't understand how the construction process works. However, documents show that the original price that was presented to voters was $29.8 million.

This excerpt is partifularly interesting from the story: "The internal financial documents obtained by The Examiner show that Thomas approved a $14.2 million change order and cost increase on April 21, 2009. The notation was made electronically in a computer file that is not accessible by the public, despite promises made by Thomas that BISD would provide full disclosure to the public regarding how the district was spending bond money.

It also shows that Regina's temporary campus cost more than $4 million - NOT the $2.5 million number being thrown out. No wonder they want Sallie Curtis to go to Regina's portables! They went overbudget on that too.

The Examiner
BISD sports complex nearly 50 percent more than proposed

Financial documents outlining costs for the Beaumont Independent School District's multi-purpose athletic complex appear to indicate that the project is nearly 48 percent over the $29.8 million budget that was sold to taxpayers, who voted for the district's $389 million bond initiative in November 2007.

The cost of the project is now listed in excess of $44 million.

But BISD Superintendent Carrol Thomas says the complex was always planned to cost $44 million and the increase is due to architectural fees and other costs that were not itemized by Parsons, the project management company overseeing construction, when the plans were presented to the board in 2007.

"When you include all the inflation figures and all those things in there - that would be $43 read entire story here.

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Newspapers critical of recent BISD moves, support petition drive

It seems there is a momentum and support to get this on a ballot to have two at-large seats on the board and the Enterprise is critical of the $1 million scoreboard change. The Examiner's editorial supports a change to the board as well and calls for the board to be more open about how the bond money is being spent and stop hiding it.

Unlike what Dr. Thomas likes to think, not everyone thinks things are rosy at BISD.

Beaumont Enterprise Editorial
2 more at-large seats would help improve BISD board - Anything that makes the Beaumont school board more responsive and accountable to taxpayers is welcome. In that regard, voters should support a move to add two at-large seats. Currently, all seven members represent single districts.

But the proposal faces a stiff petition requirement, and it won't be the magic bullet that some taxpayers may be hoping for. The board and administration seem to suffer from deeper problems, from wrong priorities on the bond issue (athletics before academics) to a read the rest of editorial.

Beaumont Enterprise Editorial
Big scoreboard, small problems - If everything works out, the Beaumont school board won't be spending more for a scoreboard at the athletic complex than it budgeted. It set aside $100,000 for the scoreboard and plans to cover the actual cost of $994,625 with advertising revenue that it will generate.

But that's not what voters were told when they were considering the bond issue. Last week's decision continues the drip, drip, drip of confusion and mistrust following the bond issue. The South Park issue remains snarled in the courts, and parents at other campuses are saying they aren't getting what was advertised.

The drive for one of the biggest and best stadium scoreboards also reinforces the impression - a wrong one read the rest of the editorial.

Beaumont Enterprise Column
By Christopher Clausen

BISD needs to show more numbers on bond sooner - Wednesday's meeting in the Jefferson County Jury Impaneling Room should draw a crowd.

The goal of that 3:30 p.m. assembly is a reconfigured Beaumont school board that is more responsive to taxpayers.

The group needs 12,000 signatures on a petition to get an election they must win, and a school board attorney advises, the U.S. Justice Department's approval.

The spark for the petitioners is the delay in the construction of eight elementary schools, as promised in the successful campaign for a $388.6 million school bond.

Thursday's school board read the rest of the column here.

Examiner Editorial
Time for change - A grassroots movement to change the way taxpayers are represented on the Beaumont Independent School Board is the right move for the citizens of the district and should be supported by everyone.

The move comes after years of concern about how the district is being run and how taxpayers' money is being spent. By switching to a system that allows for two at-large positions and five single-member districts rather than seven single-member districts, it will give taxpayers, i.e. voters, a greater say in how their children are educated.

Since taxpayers voted to approve a $389 million bond initiative to improve schools on the heels read the rest of the editorial here (on righthand side).

But again, this must go back to Dr. Thomas saying that the media is perpetuating lies in the community. Right?

What do you think? Is the scoreboard worth spending $1 million on? I suppose it's okay to spend $900,000 extra on a scoreboard, but not "extra" money to get Sallie Curtis built as scheduled as promised to voters. Since neither were in the original proposal to voters, I guess it's only a sign of what is to come.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

When you make bad decisions, blame everyone else

When you are a public official or run, let's say, a school district, you are going to be open to criticism. But in yesterday's board meeting, Dr. Thomas seemed to think the media is to blame and that people are happy with what he's doing, it's just the media who is spreading lies. See story and video here.

It's the media's JOB to make sure that government and educational agencies are held accountable for what they have said and are saying. If Woodward and Bernstein only reported "positive" news. Nixon would have remained in office and a president may have easily been involved in a break-in scandal with no accountability or repercussions for his actions.

The same applies here. They have people ON TAPE or on the record saying one thing months ago and saying something else later.

If you make decisions that people think or in poor or ill judgement, people are going to talk.

If you ignore the taxpayers, they are going to talk.

If you keep changing your mind and give out random facts that don't add up, guess what? People are going to talk.

And eventually as bad choices are continuously made, they will get angry and take action.

So let's say we spend $900,000 more for a SCOREBOARD. Last night, the board approved a $1 million scoreboard for the stadium that will be one of the largest in the state. Only $100,000 was budgeted, but they expect that ad revenue will pay for it. In the latest figures on an Enterprise poll, 78 percent said it was not necessary.

What do you think? That is $1 million coming out of the BOND money not from advertisers. When the advertising money does come in, where will it go? To buy books and computers? To build playgrounds at the schools? When the money goes toward something that we don't approve of and the media reports it, how much you want to bet instead of taking a look at what BISD is doing wrong, the leaders will blame the public and the media?

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thomas says parents happy with bond

Read this story to see what Dr. Carrol Thomas had to say about his perception of what BISD parents think about the bond proposal. In his mind, we are a pretty content bunch. What do YOU think?


B.I.S.D. Superintendent Says Parents Support Bond Program - Despite on-going criticism about the way the Beaumont Independent School District is handling the construction of new schools, the superintendent says a majority of the parents are happy with the bond program.

Dr. Carrol Thomas made this comment during an interview with 12 News Saturday, October 10 at the district's read the rest of the story here.

After you read the whole story at KBMT, comment below and let us know if you agree or disagree with what he had to say!

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Sign the petition to change the board!

As some of you may know, Andre Cokinos has been working on the petition proposing to change the way our school board members are elected. In short, the board would be set up much like our city council. Instead of seven board members, there would be five board members and two "at-large" board members.

Please email to find out how to sign this petition or if you would like to take petition sheets out to get signatures.

We have to take charge and make a change!

We need 12,000 signatures total and anyone who signs must be a registered voter within the Beaumont Independent School District.

This is NOT just a Sallie Curtis deal. This should be a concern to every taxpayer within our school district, whether or not their children attend public schools. If we want Beaumont to fluorish and attract new residents, then our school district must be well represented. Feel free to pass this along to anyone you think would be interested!

Let's show our children that WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

See two stories about the petition:

Some BISD Parents Petitioning School Board - A group of Beaumont parents have started a petition. A petition that they say could change the way Beaumont Independent School District board members are elected. Andre Cokinos, who is leading the petition, says he wants the board to be set up like Beaumont City Council. Instead read the rest of the story here.

Beaumont Enterprise
Parents group to meet about remake of BISD board - A group of Beaumont ISD taxpayers hopes to change the way its members are represented on the school board.

Andre Cokinos, a Beaumont resident and father to one Sallie Curtis Elementary student, is spearheading click here to read story.

Are you going to sign the petition? If so, why? If not, why not? Comment below to let us know what you think!

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Want to make a change to the BISD school board?

It can start by changing the makeup of how we elect members.

We can petition the BISD board to have an election to change the positions that our school board members are elected to.

The law allows us to require the school board to call an election to change from 7 single member districts to 5 single member districts and two at large positions (just like Beaumont City Council).

The school board would be in charge of re-zoning the boundaries. Under the Education Code, the lines should be drawn so that they contain roughly the same number of voters in each district and each district should be "compact and contiguous."

However, the current boundaries do not comply with this mandate and if someone were to challenge the current boundaries in Federal Court under the Voting Rights Act, they would probably win.

If this is something you are interested in, you can contact Mike Getz at or call 832-3381. Stay tuned to our blog for more information on how to sign the petition or get more involved!

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More criticism of BISD

There are two opinions below that were in the media as well as a recent article talking about how the stadium is on schedule, but the schools are behind.

The Bayou Blog
BISD's Thomas gets squirrly - It is a most magnificent Friday. A cold front in moving through, banishing the 600 degree temperatures we've been blessed with AND we explore yet another 'metaphor meltdown,' otherwise known as "Doc" Thomas's weekly "Nuggets of Wisdom" (the title, it slays us!) column. Read more here.

Here's what was written as an editorial in The Examiner:
When the Beaumont Independent School District sought support in 2007 for a $389 million bond initiative to rebuild schools in the district, the first issue raised was the matter of trust.

The Examiner met with Superintendent Carrol Thomas in a private, one-on-one meeting and explained that the only way the newspaper would support the plan was if BISD pledged to be honest, open and fiscally responsible.

Thomas promised that he would open the books and place everything on the table for review. He promised to provide data on costs and expenses in detail to show BISD was being a good steward of taxpayer money and that work was being completed on time and on budget. To gain the support of voters - and this newspaper - he gave his word the district would live up to the promises they made.

Since that time, very few of those promises have been realized. Yes, there is a Web site where documents are posted related to the bond but it is so cumbersome and tedious that many people simply give up looking. Those using a Mac instead of a PC cannot even log onto the site.

With regards to promises of fiscal responsibility, we now know some projects are already over budget and their scope has changed since being presented to voters. A prime example is the Multi-Purpose Athletic Complex, with an original price tag of $29 million. Just this past Wednesday, a BISD press release said the sports complex would cost $38 million - a full $9 million over budget.

As for meeting deadlines, the district is months behind on construction work. And while some of that can be blamed on Hurricane Ike, not all of the delays can be linked to a natural disaster.

Then there is the final promise, where Thomas said that every project would get done. BISD has already strong-armed school principals into agreeing that some projects aren't needed at all and others in an altered form from that presented to voters. For example, the auditorium at West Brook High School was supposed to be built for 2,600 people. The new plan is for a theater of less than half that size.

Evidence presented in recent courtroom testimony makes clear the promise was made that South Park would not be demolished. But the district doesn't want to live up to that promise, either.

Was Carrol Thomas authorized to make these promises? Or was he just paying lip service while harboring a secret plan to pursue another agenda?

The community came together to pass the $389 million bond issue because it needed to be done - for the children and the future of our city. It is past time for BISD to honor their commitments and get on with the task at hand, because what is currently being demolished is not some building but the public trust.

The Beaumont Enterprise

BISD athletic site takes shape; schools to see progress in weeks - A large crane hoisted pieces of the Beaumont ISD stadium into place Thursday as district administrators and project managers watched. If other projects in the district's $389 million bond package have seen some delays, the district's athletic complex is not one of them. Read more here.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More media coverage

Here's what's been in the news the past week or so:

Column by Christopher Clausen at The Beaumont Enterprise:

South Park trial raises more questions for BISD - Each time someone connected to the Beaumont Independent School District speaks, they raise questions for peeved parents and average taxpayers alike. The latest instances came in the trial of the lawsuit filed some South Park High School alumni. They contend material from a group that supported the 2007 school construction bond - material based on information from a BISD employee Superintendent Carrol read more here.

Beaumont Enterprise Editorial

In the latest problem with the Beaumont ISD's bond issue, many parents and taxpayers are frustrated that construction has not yet begun on three of four elementary schools. On the other hand, work is proceeding nicely on the athletic complex near Interstate 10 read more here.

Letters to the editor at The Beaumont Enterprise:

BISD Should put academics over athletics - I agree that schools should be built before the stadium. Schools need to be given the tools to teach children first. Most schools are in desperate need of supplies and manpower in our overcrowded schools. We have too many people in the BISD administration building and not enough teachers and teacher aides. Classes with 20-plus read more here.

BISD tactics on Curtis will be remembered - Once again the BISD school board has done what they do best: Say one thing and do the complete opposite. At a previous town hall meeting at Sallie Curtis Elementary School, parents were told that the plan in place was to build portables on site unless read more here.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Another media perspective

Seeing all the opinions that are out there makes me feel like we aren't alone in these frustrations and that others can see that what we are saying holds merit. If you talk with BISD, they make you feel like you are crazy - like you are just making up numbers and information that THEY TOLD US. At least others who aren't involved can see the mistrust and mishandling by BISD in what has happening.

There will be an update from today's court hearing on this blog later.

From the Beaumont Enterprise's columnist Christopher Clausen:
BISD needs to learn value of time, money, trust - In construction work, you must pay attention to time and money. The latest BISD's construction and communication gaffes offer a case in point. And more information could come next week in court. The Beaumont Independent School District board voted 6-1 Thursday night to delay construction of the new Sallie Curtis Elementary School. As sold to voters in the bond election promotion, the new Sallie Curtis was to be built behind the current one.

His column gets much better from there. Click here for the entire perspective.

My favorite line? "If the parents aren't happy, and they're the ones who vote on behalf of their kids, shouldn't BISD's board and officials at least apologize for these screwups?"

I'm with Chris. I have more respect for someone who admits they were wrong, than who knowingly defends poor decisions.

Read more here

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beaumont Enterprise editorial criticizes BISD

The Beaumont Enterprise eloquently puts what happened last week into perspective. Please take a look at what they wrote.

Sallie Curtis decision handled poorly; BISD must boost trust - The dilemma over new construction of the Sallie Curtis Elementary School was not an easy one to resolve, but the Beaumont ISD didn't rise to the occasion. The solution leaves many parents feeling that their views were solicited and ignored by an administration that promised to listen to them.

Read the rest of the editorial, it's good.

Stay tuned for future posts. I'm going to let you know how you can receive the answers to the many questions you've got about BISD. I'll share tips as a former journalist as to how to get information and I hope that we can all share what we find out on this site and continue to band together to make sure we hold BISD accountable for the promises they make to us -- including starting construction when they say they will with the money they've promised us.

Read more here

Friday, September 18, 2009

More media coverage

Gotta love the Beaumont Enterprise's Bayou. They really don't hold anything back when it comes to an opinion. Here I thought I was being harsh.

KBMT-12 updated and put new video online as well. And I thought their live coverage last night was great.

I have not seen the Ch. 6 story online, but if anyone can get it, please let me know and I'll post a link.

And there have been no updates online at Ch. 4 either.

Read more here

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What do you think about tonight?

I'll start.

They lived up to every bit of the reputation they had. This experience has opened my eyes to what people have been saying for a long time. They don't listen. They don't care. They will do what they want anyway.

I realize that they don't always make decisions that everyone is going to like, but you really didn't ask us and you stopped us from asking others. You really didn't talk about the YMCA. You really didn't look into it. You played a good game of pretend like the children we are trying to educate.

You can make excuses for your actions, but we won't forget. I won't forget. And if this has done anything for me and other parents, we have formed a bond and we know we can fight and stand up united together. You saw what we did in three days. The election is in three years.

Come election time or hope-willing earlier, we will band and vote. And we will be loud. And we will fight again to find good representation to help the future of our children and for this community to be a better place.

All we asked was consider it. We didn't ask for you to vote in favor of the YMCA. We asked that you take a closer look. Answer the unanswered questions. Take a little more time before making a decision. You are making us wait until January 2011to move to the Regina portables. What difference will a month make?

Tom Neild is the only true Watchdog on the board and I commend him. I commend his courage to stand up for what is right and for listening to us and taking the time out to answer our phone calls and concerns. I commend that he sits in that seat meeting after meeting and gets out-voted and goes back to continue to seek the truth and get answers about where our money is going.

And I commend every parent who got up tonight and took a stand. For whatever they believe in. It takes courage to get up and speak in front of a room full of people and try to articulate your feelings to a largely unreceptive board.

What will the future hold? We will be watching very closely. Every move. Every dollar. Every schedule change.

And if we aren't in those portables by January 2011. We will remember. And we will be back.

So I said my piece (at least for now). What do you think? Post your comments below.

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Media coverage of this issue

Props to KBMT (Ch. 12) for going live from the meeting.

Click here to see a pretty in-depth story and you can see the video on there as well. Watch tomorrow morning for more coverage - you'll see comments from Carrol Thomas, Tom Neild and parents.

Beaumont Enterprise posted quickly as well. Click here. And pick up a copy of tomorrow's paper to read the story in its entirety.

KFDM's story is here. It doesn't have video. Maybe tomorrow?

FOX-4 should have a story tomorrow and The Examiner will follow up in next week's edition.

Thank you to the media for bringing attention to this cause.

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All voted in favor except for Neild. Read more here

LIVE - Update 8 (9:31 p.m.)

The board starts to talk about Sallie Curtis' transition site as seen in exhibit W.

Brassard starts the discussion. She says that at the town hall meeting two weeks ago, she had the opportunity to listen to a number of parents address concerns over Sallie Curtis issue. She said at that meeting, she invited parents to call her. Since that time, she has had only two parents call me. One begging us to keep school on site and with portables. The other one calling to ask me to consider the YMCA site.

She then questioned the polls that were taken by the TV stations and the newspaper because she didn't think they were accurate nor could they be reflective of the voters of this district.

She said she read every word of the YMCA document. She called people to find out what these costs would incur and had a few more questions.

1. If the YMCA is considered, what are the legal ramifications?
Thomas: I have to refer that to the attorney. I haven't considered the legal ramifications.

Lawyer says: We have leased property in the past. The problem is the cost that we would put into that leased proporty because we would be putting public funds into private property. There are considerable improvements that the district has done at Regina Howell so we would have to look into that.

Brassard: If we go with that, whatever physical improvements we put into that property, we may or may not have a way of recouping that cost.

Lawyer: I don't know if the Y would be willing to reimburse us for those improvements. I don't know.

Thomas says: Beaumont is a passionate community and the feelings that people have in regards to the people's children. As a Superintendent, we want to do what the members of the community would like for us to do and we try to do that. If we don't agree, it doesn't mean we didn't do that. We are just trying to make a responsible decision.

We only know of two proposals. As of Tuesday is the first I saw it (the YMCA proposal). I gave it to Mr. Ingram and both of us when out there.

One of the problems that we see. If you were to approve the YMCA site, we wouldn't get out there until March or after.


Thomas continues: We got to design it. We just built Regina Howell. By the time you get the school built, we are talking about premium hours. Extra hours and everything else to get ready and it took us 4-5 months to do Regina Howell. When would we move? Not until next Aug or Sept. In January of 2001, we are scheduled to have Regina-Howell finished and that site would be available. So what did we gain? Only four months. That's it.

When we look at the money we put into the Regina Howell site. It's $3 million for a four-month advantage. I'm not going to spend it.

I love the spirit that the parents from Sallie Curtis are making. We also have to make those decisions. We have a site at Regina Howell that is vacant at that particular point. As an administration we have to recommend to you. The principal got back to us. There are 75 people that voted to move offsite. Of the 75, 45 asked for YMCA. We considered it. But this time, we recommend to move to RH site.

They voted. All voted in favor of moving to the Regina portables. Tom Neild was the only one who opposed.

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LIVE - Update 7 (9:24 p.m.)

9:12 p.m. - Michelle McCleland. Two kids at Curtis. One at Marshall. One at Westbrook and is a teacher at Sallie Curtis.

She says: I completely support the goals of the district and I am proud of all of them but one - except for the school I teach in everyday. It is simply an eyesore to our community and it's past time our children are given the proper building and resources that they not only need, but they deserve. If at all possible, please consider the YMCA option. Especially, if we can make it happen sooner rather than later.

9:14 p.m. - Brian McCleland. Tagged teamed by the McClelands tonight. I am here about the Sallie Curtis issue. I appreciate that you came out to our open house and it showed that you were concerned for our input. There are a lot of naysayers that say you already know what you are going to do. I hope that's not true. I hope you prove those naysayers wrong. I asked people to vote for the bond. I want you to stick to the schedule you promised. I heard the people from South Park say they don't know if they will be getting their school. We don't know if we are getting our school either. We voted for it. We want to make sure it stays on schedule.

9:15 - Paula Gresham. At Sept. 1 town hall meeting, I asked why not find us some land for our portables? Thomas replied: "There was no land to speak of."

I then proposed that we used some of the Westbrook land. He then said that we would have to get rid of soccer fields. Of course, it would be a shame if we lose anything sports related. So the YMCA came to mind.

We know this is a big decision and we understand. All we ask is that you at least consider it. It looks like you have already made up your mind for Regina Howell according to exhibit W. To us it looks like you are only buying time.

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LIVE - Update 5 (9 p.m.)

8:38 p.m. - They are starting the public comments. The first public comment is about South Park.

8:42 p.m. - Jeff Moore, the President & CEO of the YMCA of Metropolitan Beaumont, is up to speak. He starts by passing out information to each board member about the YMCA. He mentions how he delivered a packet to each board member to consider that the YMCA house Sallie Curtis Elementary during the construction phase.

He received a few questions that he has resolution on. The YMCA is offering to the district to use the 12-acre tract of land. This offer is part of the organization's vision, which includes being a part of the solution when a community faces gaps. The YMCAs throughout the nation have traditionally had relationships with many elementary schools.

His offer: Usage of 13 undeveloped tracts, use of community rooms (PTA meetings), use of green space for recess.

He offers them an architect's layout of what portable campus might look like. He says he came to the meeting with an open hand. He says he hopes the board chooses what's best for our students.

The packet has a FAQ sheet on the back and says the YMCA land is available tomorrow if BISD chooses this option along with permits. He has copies for any members of the community who would like to see what he presented to the board.

8:45 - Jennifer Walsh. We want to work with you to do what's best for our children and school. We are committed to hearing all of the voices. We think the YMCA is an option worth exploring. Beaumont Enterprise poll showed 70% for YMCA. Ch. 4 poll had 60% in favor of YMCA. Our informal vote had 88% in favor of the YMCA.

Regardless of what numbers you look at, the message is clear - the parents and members of the community see the YMCA as a viable option and we passionately hope it will be considered.

YMCA is a good option. Keeps our kids out of construction area. Keeps noise level down for good learning environment. Keeps baseball fields open for Little League. Keeps us closer to our original schedule.

Plus we can have green spaces and meeting facilities. We can hold a carnvial - our annual fundraising event. It's a bonding event that raises money to help further the education of our children.

The community partnership with the YMCA is a win-win. They are an organization that is community based that has a positive influence on our community.

You asked for our voice and we are telling you what we want: We want the YMCA as temporary housing. It keeps us on schedule. It keeps our kids safe and provides a great solution to the negatives of the other two options.

Again, please keep an open mind to our request and to work together to make for a better Sallie Curtis and a better community.

8:50 - Andre Cokinos. The board has mentioned time and money is a concern. As far as time, we want to see our school built sooner rather than later. There are concerns that these contracts with Parsons and others might bump into others ending. This will make Sallie Curtis pushed further back for its construction start time and push it into the expiration date of Parsons contract.

We want to get it done under these current contracts. The YMCA can be ready for the start of the year. As far as money goes, the board mentioned they would build portables on the Sallie Curtis site. I would assume that the cost to build a portable city at the YMCA would be a wash as compared to building portables with the Curtis option. We are concerned that the rise of the construction cost and the extend of the contracts.

What if the contracts expire at the end of our project? We are afraid to wait as far as construction and contracts. The YMCA is in the best interest of our children.

We want you to vote in favor of doing what it takes to make the YMCA a viable option.
Hopefully it will reflect the will of the people here and not a personal agenda.

You work for us and you are spending our money.

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LIVE - Update 4 (8:36 p.m.)

8:29 p.m. - Parsons is giving financial updates on Amelia Elementary and the budget status. Then Secretary Williams starts questioning him as to why he is spending time out of his day to answer these questions. Williams then says it is a waste of time.

Neild then says that Thomas told him that if he had questions, write them down and send them to Parsons. Williams starts asking again about the waste of time.

Neild then says: "This is the only time we have to discuss this in open meetings in front of the public." And makes reference to how much of this information isn't distributed in a public forum.

A large group then cheers in support of Neild.

Brassard then said: As a board we all need to decide if we are going to ask questions about something, we submit them at least a week ahead of time. I've been amazed at the volume of material I get sent ahead of time in board packets to read before meetings. I know for myself I didn't know you (Neild) had received a set of questions until tonight when I got up in my seat to look at these questions, so I don't know now from your answers. I don't have time to personally digest this and know what your abbreviations mean to know if I have another questions or not. As a board, we need to get our questions to the right people at an earlier time.

Then Parsons left the podium.

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LIVE - Update 3 (8:22 p.m.)

8:11 p.m. - Parsons is giving an update on the bond. Said some of the projects are behind schedule on design.

The Amelia Elementary School was "definately behind on schedule" and as they sent it to the board at the last meeting. Says design delay doesn't automatically translate into a delay in construction phase.

Brassard says: Now that we have prototype design hammered out, the rest of the schools can go more quickly? Parsons said theoretically, that is the intent. There are efficiencies that you gain on a prototype project. Those efficiencies will transfer to Regina and Curtis.

The intent to improve on the schedules as they learn from the first project. Parsons said Regina-Howell will be finished late December and students coming in early January.

"Hopefully you will complete them on time," Thomas said. Parsons said they have a good team of construction and design working on it.

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LIVE - Update 2 (8:03 p.m.)

7:58 p.m. - Board Member Brassard has a question regarding additional considerations for smaller projects. After attending the Town Hall meeting at Sallie Curtis two weeks ago, she said she heard a number of complaints concerning Marshall Middle School driveway in the back and want the buildings ground committee to put it on an investigation list after they do the addition at Marshall Middle School.

Carrol Thomas then said hope this budget year the funding will be able to address three projects:
1. Westbrook driveway going out
2. Smith's parking lot in the back
3. Marshall Middle School

While that wasn't quite Sallie Curtis related, it did come up at the meeting and all our kids go to Marshall next. So that was just a bonus post. :-)

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LIVE - Update 1 (7:45 p.m.)

We are here and this is our first update from the BISD meeting.

Most of the seats are filled, but it is difficult to tell how many of those are Curtis parents. I would guess at least 20, if not more, but the night is still young. The Curtis boy scout troop is also in attendance.

All three TV stations are here as well as a photographer and reporter from The Enterprise. Ch. 12 tells us they will go live at 10 p.m. from the meeting.

We will keep you updated with any relevant information as it develops. So far, it's just recognition of principals and formalities.

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Meeting agenda

The meeting starts at 7:15 p.m. at the BISD administration building (where we will be blogging live -- giving you the most up-to-date information directly from the meeting as it happens).

Be patient for updates as the Curtis item is pretty low on the agenda (we are item 38 of 41 - bring some reading material).

Here's a brief rundown (and my general summary of the agenda):
1. Approve minutes
2. Information items - State funds
3. Superintendent report
4. Communications
5. Approve tax office report
6. Approve business office reports
7. Approve amendments to general fund budget, etc
8. Approve waivers on delinquent tax accounts
9. Painting Services
10. Fan coils for HVAC Dept
11. School bus repair bid
12. Instructional Teaching Aid Supplies
13. Paul Brown Center library books
14. Buying cable
15. Alumninum walkway covers
16. Buy pre-k supplies
17. ALERT NOW fee
18. Material Testing Pool
19. Regina Howell geotechnical Services
20. Portables at Dunbar & French Elem.
21. Furniture, furnishings & Equipment Design service
22. Bulk purchasing for bond projects
23. Approve the proposal for guaranteed maximum price for Multi-Purpose Center
24. Max price for demolition of Fehl Elementary
25. Max Price for Martin Elem.
26. Install network cabling at South Park
27. Submit Nomination for Jefferson County Appraisal District Board of Directors
28. Approve addition to MLK Middle School and French Elem.
29. Purchase software for pre-k classes.
30. Purchase math bags for pre-k classes
31. Purchase Lakeshore Reading Readiness kits for pre-k classes
32. Purchase interactive big books for pre-k classes
33. Payment to remove hazardous materials from Beaumont ISD High Schools
34. Renew Football Staduim Concessions Contracts
35. Bidding to rebuild district agricultural facility
36. Approve scoreboards for stadium, natatorium & marquee at Multi-Purpose Complex.
37. Flu Vaccines for district employees
38. Consider, and if appropriate, Take Action to Approve Transition Site for Sallie Curtis Elementary Project.
39. Max size class waiver
40. Personal recommendations (in executive session)
41. Institution of Condemnation Proceedings (in executive session)

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Posting live from meeting

We're going high tech!

If you can't make the meeting, we will post live updates from the BISD meeting tonight.

Log on to see what's happening straight from this former newspaper reporter turned new blogger!

It'll be raw so forgive spelling, grammar, etc.

Rely on us to keep you, the parent, informed. Information is power!

Plus, you can comment on the happenings as they happen. Read more here

More news coverage

Here is some of the latest news coverage. There is also an article in this week's Examiner.

Beaumont Enterprise - "Sallie Curtis options up for vote tonight" The question an impassioned group of parents at Sallie Curtis Elementary is asking school officials is simple: Do you really want to listen? The answer given by the Beaumont Independent School District might be a bit more complicated. Read the rest of this story.

FOX-4 News (with video) - "Where will Sallie Curtis students go during construction" Parents with kids at Sallie Curtis Elementary say they have a lot of unanswered questions. They want to know where their children will attend class, while the campus is under construction. See more of this story.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If you're on the fence and want more information on what the YMCA is offering you can check out their CEO's blog: YMCA CEO's Blog.

Parents of Sallie Curtis students are encouraged to attend the BISD Board of Trustees meeting. The meeting will take place this Thursday, September 17, 2009 at the BISD Administration Building located at 3395 Harrison Street. The open public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. with the regular meeting taking place at 7:15 p.m. The rules for speaking at the hearing taken from the BISD website are as follows:

Patrons wishing to address the Board should present their requests in writing to the secretary to the Board of Trustees at least 24 hours in advance of the regular monthly meeting. Requests should include the speaker's name, address, telephone number, organization represented (if any), and topic to be discussed. Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to three and one-half minutes.

Current Board practice also allows time during the monthly meeting for patrons to speak up to one and one-half minutes. Registration cards are provided for these individuals at the entrance of the Board Room and should be presented to the secretary to the Board of Trustees prior to the beginning of the meeting. During special meetings and workshops, patrons may address the Board if this is indicated on the posted notice. At these times, speakers may discuss subjects listed on the posted agenda for up to one and one-half minutes.

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Curtis in the news

Sallie Curtis has been in the news lately and we wanted to share the three links to where you can see what is being reported. And please vote if you haven't yet:!

Beaumont Enterprise Bayou blog - Hmmm, might we have another potential BISD tempest in the offing? A few weeks back, the BISD reached out the Curtis Elementary parents -- organizing a few town hall-style meetings. The district sought out parental input in the initial relocation/rebuild plan. For more of the blog writing, click here:

KBMT-12 story - Less than 48 hours until decision is made on Sallie Curtis. In less than 48 hours, parents at Sallie Curtis Elementary in Beaumont , will finally found out where their kids will go to class while a new school is being built. "If you want to see things happen, then you need to stand up and speak," said Paula Gresham who has two kids at Sallie Curtis. Click here to read the entire story.

KFDM-6 story - Sallie Curtis transition plan up for board consideration Thursday. In two days, the Beaumont ISD school board will consider where to send Sallie Curtis Elementary children when construction at their school begins. See the full story here.

Also, KBTV-4 will have a story tonight. We continue to keep you informed about the latest developments or information on the school construction status.

What do you think of the news coverage? Comment below!

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vote not going home today

The Parents for a New Curtis Committee made a flyer to send out to students today. We were told yesterday by the principal that we could make a flyer so long as the information did not lean one way or the other.

The flyer was sent to the school this morning. They then forwarded it on to Mr. Terry Ingram for approval.

At 2:46 p.m., I received a call from Mr. Ingram. I asked if we could make any changes to the flyer to help make it suit their needs. He said he spoke with Dr. Thomas about the matter.

Ingram's response: "It will not be allowed to be passed out because it was not one of the two options presented at the meeting."

We still want to know what YOU want. Please email your vote with your name and address to us at

They are:

___ Option 1 - Build portables behind Curtis

___ Option 2 - Use Howell portables once vacated

___ Alternative - Build portables at YMCA on Dishman

___ Doesn't matter

The school asked for our opinion. We would have liked to work with them to be able to give an accurate reflection of all parents at the school, not just the ones that can attend meetings or are active.

We will work on getting the information to the parents as best we can. Please check in to this blog for the latest information.
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Vote now!

All Curtis parents should be receiving a voting form in their child's backpack today along with information about the three options. These tallies will be presented to the board on Thursday in addition to about 60 votes that the school principal collected.

We want to give everyone a voice - not just the parents who attended the meeting. We would like to go with at least 75% of the parents participating (if not 100%) so we have a more accurate reflection of how our community would like to move forward.

If you would like your vote to be known, return the form by tomorrow or email your preference with your name and address to

Previous blog posts have more information on each of these options. They are:

___ Option 1 - Build portables behind Curtis

___ Option 2 - Use Howell portables once vacated

___ Alternative - Build portables at YMCA on Dishman

___ Doesn't matter

Let's hear your voice!

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YMCA blog

Jeff Moore is the president and CEO of the Beaumont YMCA and is the person who has brought the third alternative to the board.

He has a blog and has plan to update with more Curtis information soon:

Click here for more:

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Where do you want your kids to go?

BISD has presented two options. A third alternative was presented at last week's meeting by members of the community (see previous blog posts to read news stories on the subject). A packet was distributed to all board members and we have heard that it is on the agenda for Thursday's meeting.

The options are:

1. To begin construction on-site while school is in session. Portable buildings will be built behind the school while the current building is demolished and rebuilt.

2. Wait until Regina-Howell is completed and then move the Curtis students into the portable buildings on Major Drive. This option would delay the project until Summer 2012.

The alternative:

Put portable buildings at the new YMCA facility on Dishman Road while construction goes on at the current Sallie Curtis location. This option would allow Curtis to be completed on time without children being exposed to nearby construction.

This is an excerpt from the YMCA's President and CEO in a letter to Carrol Thomas: "It is our belief that the YMCA will provide a great environment for all and will offer many amenities that are not currently available at your temporary campus on Major Drive. .. If you choose to utilize our property, the YMCA will be willing to work with the school district on a swimming program for your students, we will also be allowed usage of our playground and of our community room for meetings, fairs or other school events."

What do you think? Option 1, Option 2 or Alternative #3? Talk it out here!

We want to hear from 100% of the parents if possible! Please let us know what you think and what you would vote for by emailing

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Board meeting Thursday (Sept 17)

If you want your voice to be heard or just want to show up in solidarity, please join Parents for a New Curtis at the board meeting:

Thursday, September 17
7:15 p.m.
Board Room of the Administration Building
3395 Harrison Avenue

Information on how to address the board is below. To contact the board members directly:

President Woodrow Reece - 839-8834

Vice President Janice Brassard - 866-8564

Secretary Terry D. Williams - 898-1997

Thomas Neild - 284-0518

Dr. William Nantz - 866-7498

Howard J. Trahan Jr. - 842-1104

Bishop Ollis E. Whitaker - 892-1776

Addressing the Board

The Superintendent and the Board President have the responsibility of coordinating preparation of the agenda for each meeting and determining items to be included.

Patrons wishing to address the Board should present their requests in writing to the secretary to the Board of Trustees at least 24 hours in advance of the regular monthly meeting. Requests should include the speaker's name, address, telephone number, organization represented (if any), and topic to be discussed. Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to three and one-half minutes.

Current Board practice also allows time during the monthly meeting for patrons to speak up to one and one-half minutes. Registration cards are provided for these individuals at the entrance of the Board Room and should be presented to the secretary to the Board of Trustees prior to the beginning of the meeting.

During special meetings and workshops, patrons may address the Board if this is indicated on the posted notice. At these times, speakers may discuss subjects listed on the posted agenda for up to one and one-half minutes.

To see more on the school board, click here:

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BISD Press Release on Curtis

Here is a press release that went out Aug. 31. Notice that they are asking to consider an option other than "current plans."

CURTIS ELEMENTARY – new options on the table

A community stakeholders’ meeting will be held at Curtis Elementary School at 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 1, 2009, in the school cafeteria, located at 6225 North Circuit Drive in Beaumont. Curtis is one nine new elementary schools to be built as part of the 2007 voter-approved $389 million school bond facilities projects.

Under current plans, which dictate building a new Curtis behind the school’s existing facility, the new Curtis would open Spring 2011.

Tuesday’s meeting is asking the Curtis community to consider an option which allows Curtis operations to move into the temporary Regina-Howell complex located off Major Drive in January 2011 (after Regina-Howell moves into their new school). This proposal would mean Curtis would move into its permanent new school by the summer of 2012 (a year and a half later than originally scheduled).

Project managers say the latter will provide for a safer, more seamless, cost-efficient and academically-prudent operation. The meeting is open to the public.

To read this press release for yourself, click on this link:

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Editorial in Enterprise (Sept 13)

Third option needed earlier at Curtis school

Parents at Sallie Curtis Elementary School should have a third choice regarding the placement of their children during construction of a new school...

See this link to read more:

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Story on KBMT-12

KBMT had a story on their newscast last week about the meeting and the third option. The following link is just a text version of the story, but does not have the video.

Here is the link to the KBMT story:

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Article in Beaumont Enterprise

Here is a copy of the story that ran in last week's Beaumont Enterprise. The story was not posted online otherwise we would have posted the link here.

Beaumont Enterprise 09/11/2009, Page A07
YMCA land a third option in Sallie Curtis fight
By Dee Dixon
(409) 880-0733

Although parents were given a slip of paper to choose one of two options previously outlined regarding student placement during construction of a new Sallie Curtis Elementary School, a third option emerged instead.

Jeff Moore, Beaumont Metropolitan YMCA chief executive officer, said it is a viable option for Sallie Curtis students to move into portable buildings on 12 acres adjacent to the new West End YMCA, a building scheduled to be completed in March.

Moore, whose children attend Sallie Curtis, told the parents that YMCA board members supported the option and that “innovative programming” might be a side benefit.

Thursday was the last of a series of town hall meetings on the subject.

Initially, the two options were: remain in the existing Sallie Curtis until the new Regina-Howell Elementary is finished, then move into the buildings those students have been using along Major Drive; or build the new school on the back portion of the property occupied by the present building.

The first would have delayed completion of Sallie Curtis until August 2012.

Amanda Sheldon, who has three children at Sallie Curtis, said she was leaning toward the YMCA option.

“The big frustration is all of this should have been decided a long time ago. We’re two months from building and we’re just now deciding where it’s supposed to go,” said Sheldon.

Tiffany Nickles, who has one child at Sallie Curtis, left the meeting after selecting her option.

“I’m leaning toward moving off-site and waiting until Regina-Howell moves out,” said Tiffany Nickles, who has one child in Sallie Curtis.

She expressed safety with a nearby construction zone. Last week, Superintendent Carrol A. Thomas said the district would make a decision based on the recommendation forwarded by Sallie Curtis Principal Susan Brown, according to Enterprise archives.

“I will relay there is a strong support for looking at a third option,” she said Thursday.

The Beaumont Independent School District board of trustees takes up the issue at its Sept. 17 meeting.

"I hope we take the time and do the research instead of voting right then," board member Tom Neild said. "I believe we have a responsibility to consider that and look at the details and see if it will help the overall decision and budget."

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