Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vote not going home today

The Parents for a New Curtis Committee made a flyer to send out to students today. We were told yesterday by the principal that we could make a flyer so long as the information did not lean one way or the other.

The flyer was sent to the school this morning. They then forwarded it on to Mr. Terry Ingram for approval.

At 2:46 p.m., I received a call from Mr. Ingram. I asked if we could make any changes to the flyer to help make it suit their needs. He said he spoke with Dr. Thomas about the matter.

Ingram's response: "It will not be allowed to be passed out because it was not one of the two options presented at the meeting."

We still want to know what YOU want. Please email your vote with your name and address to us at CurtisVotes@yahoo.com.

They are:

___ Option 1 - Build portables behind Curtis

___ Option 2 - Use Howell portables once vacated

___ Alternative - Build portables at YMCA on Dishman

___ Doesn't matter

The school asked for our opinion. We would have liked to work with them to be able to give an accurate reflection of all parents at the school, not just the ones that can attend meetings or are active.

We will work on getting the information to the parents as best we can. Please check in to this blog for the latest information.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, thank you so much for doing this. You put way too much time and thought in it for it to be shot down.


You don't have to leave your name. Just say what you want. If you want to be anonymous, use the drop down menu. It's better if you come up with an open ID. It's like a nickname you can change every post.

If you get too vulgar, I'll have to delete you. It's a "family"-ish blog after all. But otherwise. Say what ya feel! That's what this is for!