Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BISD meeting scheduled to change board makeup

For those of you wanting more information about the petition to change the makeup of the BISD board, there will be a meeting you can attend to learn more.

Date: October 21
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Place: Jefferson County Courthouse Jury Impaneling Room.
Here is a story that ran on KBMT-12.

It's important that you comeout and learn more. For this petition to reach the 12,000 signatures it needs (and they have to be registered voters), it takes more than one person to participate. If we all go and get one sheet filled with signatures, we can reach that number very quickly. Ask people at church. Ask your neighbors. Ask your sports teams.

We can do this and make a change!


  1. Please take a stand and come out!!! The problem in Beaumont is that all too often the normal, everyday folks don't make the time or don't think they have a voice! Sometimes it's just easier to put our kids in private schools or move to another district. For once, let's join together and make our voices heard! It is time for a change in this backwards school district!!

  2. I totally agree. I will do what I can to help get that 12,000. I'm sick and tired of being the doormat for the Carrol Thomas', Howard Trahans', Terry Williams', and Paul Browns' of the community to wipe their feet on.


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If you get too vulgar, I'll have to delete you. It's a "family"-ish blog after all. But otherwise. Say what ya feel! That's what this is for!