Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beaumont Enterprise editorial criticizes BISD

The Beaumont Enterprise eloquently puts what happened last week into perspective. Please take a look at what they wrote.

Sallie Curtis decision handled poorly; BISD must boost trust - The dilemma over new construction of the Sallie Curtis Elementary School was not an easy one to resolve, but the Beaumont ISD didn't rise to the occasion. The solution leaves many parents feeling that their views were solicited and ignored by an administration that promised to listen to them.

Read the rest of the editorial, it's good.

Stay tuned for future posts. I'm going to let you know how you can receive the answers to the many questions you've got about BISD. I'll share tips as a former journalist as to how to get information and I hope that we can all share what we find out on this site and continue to band together to make sure we hold BISD accountable for the promises they make to us -- including starting construction when they say they will with the money they've promised us.


  1. As a side note. We've gotten more than 1,000 hits on this site since Wednesday night at midnight. I found it amusing that BISD logged well over 25 hours of total time from their IP address on Friday (this totals time from multiple computers at the admin building).

    The board members jumped all over Tom Neild for wasting time asking financial questions and status ont he bond issue. In the meeting, Neild defended himself saying that Carrol Thomas had told him to submit any questions directly to Thomas. And said it was the only time they had to discuss these matters in an OPEN FORUM (to which the crowd cheered by the way).

    Sooooo... maybe the board members should take a look at how BISD employees spend their internet time. It may not be surfing our blog all day long or maybe they could have looked at the YMCA as a viable option instead of just pretending to.

  2. I cannot believe that the school board continues to back Calvin Thomas. It is unbelievable to me that new construction costs less than restoration. From what has been said, the new buildings are monuments to Mr. Thomas. Considering his lack of stellar performance with our schools, and his exorbitant salary, I think that you should be typing up papers for his dismissal.


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If you get too vulgar, I'll have to delete you. It's a "family"-ish blog after all. But otherwise. Say what ya feel! That's what this is for!