Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thomas says parents happy with bond

Read this story to see what Dr. Carrol Thomas had to say about his perception of what BISD parents think about the bond proposal. In his mind, we are a pretty content bunch. What do YOU think?


B.I.S.D. Superintendent Says Parents Support Bond Program - Despite on-going criticism about the way the Beaumont Independent School District is handling the construction of new schools, the superintendent says a majority of the parents are happy with the bond program.

Dr. Carrol Thomas made this comment during an interview with 12 News Saturday, October 10 at the district's read the rest of the story here.

After you read the whole story at KBMT, comment below and let us know if you agree or disagree with what he had to say!


  1. OMG!! That is insane. I think that he only hears what he wants to and probably surrounds himself with people who tell him how great he is.

    I applaud the efforts to make a change and will be signing the petition.

  2. Who are the majority of the parents he's talking to? We certainly are not talking to the same people. My guess is the handful of people he's talking to don't even pay the taxes that the bond money is coming from! This is coming out of the mouth of someone who will spend $40+ million on a sports complex but won't spend the money to ensure the elementary schools have a full time nurse! I don't know how he kisses his mother with such a dirty mouth!


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