Monday, September 21, 2009

Another media perspective

Seeing all the opinions that are out there makes me feel like we aren't alone in these frustrations and that others can see that what we are saying holds merit. If you talk with BISD, they make you feel like you are crazy - like you are just making up numbers and information that THEY TOLD US. At least others who aren't involved can see the mistrust and mishandling by BISD in what has happening.

There will be an update from today's court hearing on this blog later.

From the Beaumont Enterprise's columnist Christopher Clausen:
BISD needs to learn value of time, money, trust - In construction work, you must pay attention to time and money. The latest BISD's construction and communication gaffes offer a case in point. And more information could come next week in court. The Beaumont Independent School District board voted 6-1 Thursday night to delay construction of the new Sallie Curtis Elementary School. As sold to voters in the bond election promotion, the new Sallie Curtis was to be built behind the current one.

His column gets much better from there. Click here for the entire perspective.

My favorite line? "If the parents aren't happy, and they're the ones who vote on behalf of their kids, shouldn't BISD's board and officials at least apologize for these screwups?"

I'm with Chris. I have more respect for someone who admits they were wrong, than who knowingly defends poor decisions.

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