8:38 p.m. - They are starting the public comments. The first public comment is about South Park.
8:42 p.m. - Jeff Moore, the President & CEO of the YMCA of Metropolitan Beaumont, is up to speak. He starts by passing out information to each board member about the YMCA. He mentions how he delivered a packet to each board member to consider that the YMCA house Sallie Curtis Elementary during the construction phase.
He received a few questions that he has resolution on. The YMCA is offering to the district to use the 12-acre tract of land. This offer is part of the organization's vision, which includes being a part of the solution when a community faces gaps. The YMCAs throughout the nation have traditionally had relationships with many elementary schools.
His offer: Usage of 13 undeveloped tracts, use of community rooms (PTA meetings), use of green space for recess.
He offers them an architect's layout of what portable campus might look like. He says he came to the meeting with an open hand. He says he hopes the board chooses what's best for our students.
The packet has a FAQ sheet on the back and says the YMCA land is available tomorrow if BISD chooses this option along with permits. He has copies for any members of the community who would like to see what he presented to the board.
8:45 - Jennifer Walsh. We want to work with you to do what's best for our children and school. We are committed to hearing all of the voices. We think the YMCA is an option worth exploring. Beaumont Enterprise poll showed 70% for YMCA. Ch. 4 poll had 60% in favor of YMCA. Our informal vote had 88% in favor of the YMCA.
Regardless of what numbers you look at, the message is clear - the parents and members of the community see the YMCA as a viable option and we passionately hope it will be considered.
YMCA is a good option. Keeps our kids out of construction area. Keeps noise level down for good learning environment. Keeps baseball fields open for Little League. Keeps us closer to our original schedule.
Plus we can have green spaces and meeting facilities. We can hold a carnvial - our annual fundraising event. It's a bonding event that raises money to help further the education of our children.
The community partnership with the YMCA
is a win-win. They are an organization that is community based that has a positive influence on our community.
You asked for our voice and we are telling you what we want: We want the YMCA as temporary housing. It keeps us on schedule. It keeps our kids safe and provides a great solution to the negatives of the other two options.
Again, please keep an open mind to our request and to work together to make for a better Sallie Curtis and a better community.
8:50 - Andre Cokinos. The board has mentioned time and money is a concern. As far as time, we want to see our school built sooner rather than later. There are concerns that these contracts with Parsons and others might bump into others ending. This will make Sallie Curtis pushed further back for its construction start time and push it into the expiration date of Parsons contract.
We want to get it done under these current contracts. The YMCA can be ready for the start of the year. As far as money goes, the board mentioned they would build portables on the Sallie Curtis site. I would assume that the cost to build a portable city at the YMCA would be a wash as compared to building portables with the Curtis option. We are concerned that the rise of the construction cost and the extend of the contracts.
What if the contracts expire at the end of our project? We are afraid to wait as far as construction and contracts. The YMCA is in the best interest of our children.
We want you to vote in favor of doing what it takes to make the YMCA a viable option.
Hopefully it will reflect the will of the people here and not a personal agenda.
You work for us and you are spending our money.
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