Friday, October 9, 2009

More criticism of BISD

There are two opinions below that were in the media as well as a recent article talking about how the stadium is on schedule, but the schools are behind.

The Bayou Blog
BISD's Thomas gets squirrly - It is a most magnificent Friday. A cold front in moving through, banishing the 600 degree temperatures we've been blessed with AND we explore yet another 'metaphor meltdown,' otherwise known as "Doc" Thomas's weekly "Nuggets of Wisdom" (the title, it slays us!) column. Read more here.

Here's what was written as an editorial in The Examiner:
When the Beaumont Independent School District sought support in 2007 for a $389 million bond initiative to rebuild schools in the district, the first issue raised was the matter of trust.

The Examiner met with Superintendent Carrol Thomas in a private, one-on-one meeting and explained that the only way the newspaper would support the plan was if BISD pledged to be honest, open and fiscally responsible.

Thomas promised that he would open the books and place everything on the table for review. He promised to provide data on costs and expenses in detail to show BISD was being a good steward of taxpayer money and that work was being completed on time and on budget. To gain the support of voters - and this newspaper - he gave his word the district would live up to the promises they made.

Since that time, very few of those promises have been realized. Yes, there is a Web site where documents are posted related to the bond but it is so cumbersome and tedious that many people simply give up looking. Those using a Mac instead of a PC cannot even log onto the site.

With regards to promises of fiscal responsibility, we now know some projects are already over budget and their scope has changed since being presented to voters. A prime example is the Multi-Purpose Athletic Complex, with an original price tag of $29 million. Just this past Wednesday, a BISD press release said the sports complex would cost $38 million - a full $9 million over budget.

As for meeting deadlines, the district is months behind on construction work. And while some of that can be blamed on Hurricane Ike, not all of the delays can be linked to a natural disaster.

Then there is the final promise, where Thomas said that every project would get done. BISD has already strong-armed school principals into agreeing that some projects aren't needed at all and others in an altered form from that presented to voters. For example, the auditorium at West Brook High School was supposed to be built for 2,600 people. The new plan is for a theater of less than half that size.

Evidence presented in recent courtroom testimony makes clear the promise was made that South Park would not be demolished. But the district doesn't want to live up to that promise, either.

Was Carrol Thomas authorized to make these promises? Or was he just paying lip service while harboring a secret plan to pursue another agenda?

The community came together to pass the $389 million bond issue because it needed to be done - for the children and the future of our city. It is past time for BISD to honor their commitments and get on with the task at hand, because what is currently being demolished is not some building but the public trust.

The Beaumont Enterprise

BISD athletic site takes shape; schools to see progress in weeks - A large crane hoisted pieces of the Beaumont ISD stadium into place Thursday as district administrators and project managers watched. If other projects in the district's $389 million bond package have seen some delays, the district's athletic complex is not one of them. Read more here.

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